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Now Trending: What Travelers are Doing These Days

The Covid-19 pandemic has without a doubt impacted tourism around the world. Despite this setback, travelers continue to adapt and find ways to fulfill their wanderlust. Now that we are nearly two years into the pandemic, what were travelers up to? In this post, we will identify 3 travel trends that have occurred this year.

Remote work and travel

Ever since the world went into lockdown, companies have shifted their operations online, allowing people to work from home. For many travelers, this has given them the opportunity to work remotely and travel at the same time. While they may have not been able to travel everywhere, travelers were making the most of their time with whatever they can. As companies are moving back into the office, expect the push for remote work to continue.

Domestic travel

Due to restrictions as a result of the pandemic, travelers couldn’t venture abroad. So instead traveling to another country, many have taken this as an opportunity to explore their own neck of the woods. As a result, there has been an increase in domestic tourism, generating a much needed boost to local economies. Whether or not domestic travel can maintain this momentum in the coming years will remain to be seen. In the meantime, domestic tourism will continue to thrive as long as people have the desire to travel.

Affordable travel

The financial crisis caused by the pandemic has left people to become more conscious of their money. This extends to travel as well, as people reevaluate their travel plans and opt for more affordable options. Thus, there has been less demand for premium services like first class suites and more for those that cater to the budget-minded travelers. Services that offer better prices and flexibility will have the most to gain from this change while others that fail to adapt to consumers’ needs will struggle.



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