web design

black and silver laptop computer on white textile

Pros and Cons of WordPress

WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems on the web. Millions of users from bloggers to corporations use WordPress to manage their websites on a daily basis. Given its popularity, how does WordPress fare as a website builder? To answer that question, let’s highlight my pros and cons of using WordPress.

black laptop computer on brown wooden table

Theme Selection

Themes are an important part of your website. How your website looks is key to making a good first impression for visitors. For my website, I want a theme that is clean and customizable. Astra ended up being the theme I used, and I will explain in this post how I decided on that theme.

black flat screen computer monitor

New Plugins

After reactivating my plugins, I looked for three more plugins to add to my site. The following plugins were installed: Starter Templates, Broken Link Checker, and Yoast SEO. Let’s take a look at each of the plugins.